• Crude oil infrastructures are affected by wax depositions, both in pipelines and wells. Once precipitated, paraffin wax tends to agglomerate peripherally to the flow, next to its physical frontiers, leading to sectional decrease or, even, flow blockage.
• Paraffin wax produced from crude oil consists primarily of long chain, saturated hydrocarbons (linear alkanes/ n-paraffins) with carbon chain lengths of C18 to C75+, having individual melting points from 40 to 70°C. This wax material is referred to as “macrocrystalline wax.” Naphthenic hydrocarbons (C18 to C36) also deposit wax, which is referred to as “microcrystalline wax.” Macrocrystalline waxes lead to paraffin problems in production and transport operations; microcrystalline waxes contribute the most to tank-bottom sludges
• Different types of methods are available to removal of deposits from pipeline out of that Chemical dissolution of wax deposits by exothermic reaction is most convenient method.
• Most important characteristic of our product is that after treating with them wax is in pourable form even at room temperature which is convenient to remove wax or deposits from pipeline.
Barite (Barium sulphate) Remover
• As brine, oil, and/or gas proceed from the formation to the surface, pressure and temperature change and certain dissolved salts can precipitate. This is called “self-scaling.” If a brine is injected into the formation to maintain pressure and sweep the oil to the producing wells, there will eventually be a commingling with the formation water. Additional salts may precipitate in the formation or in the wellbore (scale from incompatible waters). Many of these scaling processes can and do occur simultaneously. Scales tend to be mixtures. For example, strontium sulfate is frequently found precipitated together with barium sulfate.
• Barite is one of the most common mineral scales in the oilfield and its formation can sequester toxic strontium (Sr) and radium (Ra).
• Our barium and strontium scale remover is, non-toxic, odorless, non-flammable, and non-explosive, with pH ranges from 11 to 12. Application temperature ranges from 40℃ to boiling point. It has strong wettability, permeability and dispersity. It can effectively remove barium strontium scale. There is no secondary pollution after work, and the waste liquid can directly drain into the oil field production water disposal system without flow back handling.
Sulfur Remover
In refinery pipeline, sulfur has been deposited which is challenging job for cleaning. Our product can easily dissolve sulfur and convert it in to solution form which is easily flowable to remove without any corrosion or damage of pipeline.
Scale Remover/ Descaling
• As brine, oil, and/or gas proceed from the formation to the surface, pressure and temperature change and certain dissolved salts can precipitate. This is called “self-scaling.” If a brine is injected into the formation to maintain pressure and sweep the oil to the producing wells, there will eventually be a commingling with the formation water. Additional salts may precipitate in the formation or in the wellbore (scale from incompatible waters). Many of these scaling processes can and do occur simultaneously.
• Our scale dissolver formulated to remove heat scale, mineral deposits, oxides, and alkaline salt buildup from metal pipelines, wellbores, and other oil and gas equipment.
Waxy scale Remover
Our product can dissolve scale which is mixed with crude or wax. It can be solbubilised both wax & scale and drain out easily.